Friday 8 August 2014

Divided Basket -Noodlehead

I am really getting into making Noodlehead patterns. 
My first was a sidekick tote 

 Which has been my summer handbag. I'm loving the inside too 
Since I've bought a few patterns and just been waiting for the chance to make more. 
When I was on holiday I saw the Instagram sewalong for Divided Basket pattern being run by good starter and she quilts a lot. I've had a the divided basket pattern a couple of weeks and when I saw the sew along I knew I had to have a go as soon as I got back home. 
I knew I had the perfect material 

The Enormous Crocodile is a favourite in our house. And little one is alwas needed places to but his treasures, so a project for Tate it was. 

The pattern is really straightforward as are all Noodlehead patterns, but clever. It's a great way of making a divider. It took me an evening to cut out the material- rough night with our youngest meant we were up and down!  I didn't have any fusible fleece so I used batting and spray basted it. 
I tried a bit of pattern placing with the crocodile and think it worked out okay. 

 Will I be making any more, you bet I will. I've put it on the sewalong- to be judged by Anna herself, just hope it's a bit worthy. I know one little guy who loves it 

Happy making 
Claire x

Thursday 7 August 2014

Grainline's Maritime Shorts - Summer is here!

Well yes summer is here, we have had some great weather and not so great weather. 

A bit of camping has been happening with a bit of rain in The Lakes. 
But also a bit of sewing. 

I've had a few Grainline patterns in the pipeline and finally put together my maritime shorts which I cut out a couple of weeks ago. I've seen so many well made pairs out there I needed to have a go. Just google and you'll see. 
Well they went together really well. It help that this was not my first grainline Zip fly. I have already made a moss skirt which I love 

Very comfy and fits so well. 

Anyway back to the shorts. I followed Jen's tutorial online as well as the pattern which made everything quite straightforward and it all came together well and quickly. I benefited from the extra photos. 

Really losing patience withy head shots. - something to work on. 

I used a mid weight stretchy cotton which allows for heavy lunches. 

I like to use bright zips on my clothes so out came a red zip which I love. 

And to continue my red theme here are my daisy pockets. 

For once I'm also quite happy with the inside so here's another picture 

 I'm kind of getting to grips with my overlocker although still a lot to learn.  I did forget a lonely pin in some fabric the other week after the bang I certainly won't forget again. 

So my final thoughts, the instructions are good and this pattern goes together quickly. I did have a made pair of shorts beside me as I was putting it together a I did get the wrong idea when sewing up some seams. Which is more down to me and my inexperience with sewing garments. I think this is a lovely classic pattern which produces a professional pair of shorts which I will be making  again. Finally picture at the zoo 

Saturday 3 May 2014

Me Made May 2014

Hello May
Well it seems like ages since I was last here although it feels like not a lot has happened. We've had quite a sickness and busyness at work which has put being here on hold. 

I have been sewing to keep myself sane. Anyway have you heard about Me Made May? Well it's a month of wear your own handmade or upcycled clothes. I've pledged to try and do so 4 times a week. I'm going to be looking for gaps in my wardrobe to try and fill over the next month or get on the list. It's much better explained over at So,Zo...what do you know? by Zoe.

So this was me on Thursday

In my  first ever made made dress a Anna Maria Horner -Socialite. Big lesson learnt from this one. Always prewash your fabric!!

Yesterday I was in my first knit dress My casual lady from go to patterns. Really near to move a mirror into a better place!! Not sure asking the hubby first thing to take my picture would go down well.

And I've got a pattern all cut out and ready to go a Grainline Studio Moss Skirt. 

Now I need some Bank Holiday sewing time.
I'm going to Instagram all my outfits and have a catch up on the blog

Have a great Bank Holiday

Claire x

Tuesday 18 February 2014

Pin cushion Caddie - or tidying up my stuff!!

While I was playing about on Instagram I found a lovely picture of a Pin cushion Caddie made by the lovely Vividfelicity you can find a few beautifully made ones on her stream. 

The pattern comes from Anna Maria Horner's book Seams to Me but I needed to make one then and without leaving the house, it was raining and I needed a make to cheer me up. After much searching I found a different but downloadable pattern and fab tutorial from Sewing by Moonlight  and set to work. 

Half made and being a bit of a fiddle. 
The tutorial was great and straightforward to follow however I would make a few changes on my next one, and there will be a few I think. Firstly I decided to fill mine with toy stuffing and would do a bit as I go along as trying to get it all round though one hole was a heck of a struggle. 

Also I found trying to sew the base on while making sure I caught the other pieces of material to stop the stuffing escaping I challenge too so I did it in two parts. I'm really pleased with the results a great way of showing off your favourite scraps of fabric and a useful place to keep your bits while on a project. 
Thanks to sewing by moonlight for the tutorial. 

Happy making 
Claire xx

Monday 17 February 2014

First dress of 2014- A Colette Peony

Well sewing for myself this year is going well I've managed a couple of makes which I've finished this week including my first Colette Peony dress. 
I've had both the pattern, bought from Backstitch and the fabric from Exeter stitch sew and hobbycraft show at westpoint for an age. 

So a couple of weeks ago I preped my fabric measured myself-properly and off I went. I'm a pretty impatient sewer which I suppose comes from grabbing sewing time. My sewing space has to be in the middle of the house or I would never see it. Anyway I did make a muslin of the bodice and I'm glad I did as I could make all my mistakes on it. 
It was rough and ready but did help me speed up on the real dress. 

So a couple of week later it was ready for a date night with my husband. 

I do love the fit and am surprised that everything is in the right places. I did find the sleeves a bit tricky and just had to go with it. I found the pattern really easy to follow and along with a few videos from the Colette blog and website I was able to complete it with minimal problems. 
It was my first consealed zip that I fitted. I did buy a consealed zip foot for my janome which made it so much easier (picked up on amazon for about £5- great service from seller) I did follow the Colette video tutorial which was straightforward. 

Loving my new dress and I'm really pleased with the results I can see a few more over the next year. Just a couple more shots. 
And finally on what was the sunniest day so far 

Back to looking after poorly boy currently sat on my knee half asleep poor sweetie. 

Claire xx

Tuesday 4 February 2014

Fresh sewing day and small blog meet

Wow it's been a whole month of my new blog. So how am I doing? A round up of this months projects. Well I have started a few and even finished some too.

Boxy Pouch, Baby Quilt, Pouch, Polar bear, Hexie travel case.

Well I have seemed to do a lot of finishing off projects. Mr Polar bear is nearly finished. It's a funky friends factory pattern Preston Polar bear for my eldest. He was so close to being finished but we ran out of stuffing I picked up some today but will be in big trouble if I stuff him without his new owner. This is my second soft toy that I've made with Pauline's gorgeous patterns 

This is Charlie dog a doorstop I made for Charlie's owner last year, he was great fun to make. 

One of my other makes this month was a Hexie travel kit from The Zen of Making  Haley has a fab series of Tutorials on English Paper Piecing, my next make from her site has to be a mini hexie necklace (going on my long list!) 

I love the little sewing kit again from Haley's blog. 

I've also been adding to my Economy Block Quilt blocks 

My collection so far also photo bombed with my new boots!!

Happy Making to all

Claire x 

Tuesday 28 January 2014

Catching up with the week

Feels like it had been really busy round here without much being accomplished. Well I suppose the house is a little straighter but with two little boys a room can be spotless and tidy one minute and totally trashed the next and often is! Just keep smiling.

Exciting moments of the week #greatukfabricdestash wow I simply love Instagram and my lovely friend Emily Strawberry Patch   organised a fab fabric destash on Sunday night. I had to be so careful, going part time at work has a serious impact on your fabric finances. I did have a bit of a spend which was good and I can't wait to receive my goodies.

It also prompted me to had a look through my own stash and have a sort out, don't think I'm quite ready to destash yet I'm still building up but as some point I'm sure I'll take part. I found lots of fabric I've bought to make clothes and not yet sewn so I've made a start on making a Colette Peony something I've wanted to make for ages. So far I've made a quick muslin bodice to check my size really.

And I've now cut out all the pieces marked them up and I'm ready to go lets see how I get on.

Also think I need to work on my picture taking another point for the blog. 

Claire xx

Monday 13 January 2014

Sewing with the little one

My family are very patient with my sewing although much is done when they are in bed. There are a few moments when I shout please don't touch that, referring to an unfinished project on my table.

My eldest has become very interested in my sewing machine and was asking constantly the other, wet and windy day, could he sew on my machine, but what to sew? I had all these wonderful ideas flying around, but then came back to earth, lets get him sewing straight lines- a pillowcase of course!!

So I good, (guided) look through mummy's fabric and the perfect one was found. A quick look and measure of one of his pillowcases and we were on our way. The cutting proved a bit too much waiting for him but as soon as the machine came out it was smiles all round.

He did a good job with a guiding hand from Mummy, only once did we need the seam ripper and it was totally my fault. 
I few wobbly seams but as you can see he was very proud.

And it now has pride of place in his bed, clever boy.

Tuesday 7 January 2014

New Projects -Economy Block Quilt- fresh sewing day-small blog meet


I've just been grabbing a bit of sewing and blogging time while the house is quiet.
Over the holidays I saw an Instagram  from Katy Jones 'I'm a ginger monkey' about an economy block along, well count me in! I've been waiting for days to get my sewing machine out. I think it may feel a bit neglected over Christmas but family time called.
This morning I completed my first hurray!

It was really straightforward to make the hardest part was choosing the fabric. You can find the tutorial on Red Pepper Quilts here

If you're an Instagramer - not really a word but I like it, check out #economyblockalong looks like people have really gone for it there are some really beautiful blocks out there already

While I was catching up on some blog reading I was on Lily's quilts. Reading about fresh sewing day and small blog meet. It really fits into where I am at the moment a small blog and wanting to do some more sewing for me over the coming year.
So Projects for the coming year-
Economy Block Quilt
Paper Pieced Star Wars Quilt- not for me, although I will struggle to give it up.
English paper piecing travel kit - started before Christmas.
Table runner for Kitchen table.
wallet for me
bag - not sure on pattern yet.
Casual lady dress
peony dress
Washi Dress
to begin with,
I really want to make more clothes for myself, going through my stash yesterday I have so much I have bought with ideas in mind that so far I haven't made yet. In fact I bought a vintage sheet to make a skirt last year which didn't go round me then but it does now, hurray!

So a post on the beginnings of 2014, be good to share my making year with others, I met so many nice people in 2013 through meetups following blogs and Instagram I hope the same continues into this year too.

Off to sew while the house is still quiet.
Claire x

Thursday 2 January 2014

Looking back, looking forward.

2013 has been a busy year, in fact I'm not sure where the year has gone. 
I started the year wanting to sew and craft more which I feel I have and more. I have found that I enjoy quilting and have made my first dress which I actually wear out of the house. 

I bought my fab new sewing machine which I am still getting to know it, can do so much.By the end of the year I decided that an overlocker would be a sound investment. I haven't had much time to play with it yet but hopefully the new year will give me some time. 

I also went to two Exeter Sewing Directory meet ups which were great fun and I met such lovely people and learnt new skills which I'm putting into practise and will continue this year I'm talking hexie love! 

I also discovered Instagram which I just think is awesome an amazing way of discovering what is going on in the crafting world, meeting people and sharing basically some cool stuff. 

To finish the year I did my first Christmas Craft fayre which was I bit overwhelming but rewarding when I made my first sale knowing that people liked my stuff. 

Well now here's to the future, maybe lists can wait for today but I hope to do more making and learning as the months progress. 

Here's some of my makes from the past year 

Claire x

Wednesday 1 January 2014

New Year New Blog

Happy New Year 

One of my New Year thoughts is to start and keep a blog over the next twelve months. I have tried before and put silly pressures on myself while not really having a firm plan about what I should blog about. Well I start this year ready to blog about whatever takes my fancy. It is going to be a blog for me to see where the year takes me. This morning we have woken up with lots of ideas and plans for the year ahead so within reason that will be part of what my blog will be about. 

Last year are plans were to plan life experiences and do things together as a family which we did. I may write a post to  share some of our experiences as the month goes on. 

This year our focus is on home, planing and carrying out what we would like to do to our home. I will share more ideas later. 

I have no amazing writing skills so please bear with me, but here's to an exciting year ahead 

Best wishes 
Claire x