Feels like it had been really busy round here without much being accomplished. Well I suppose the house is a little straighter but with two little boys a room can be spotless and tidy one minute and totally trashed the next and often is! Just keep smiling.
Exciting moments of the week #greatukfabricdestash wow I simply love Instagram and my lovely friend Emily Strawberry Patch organised a fab fabric destash on Sunday night. I had to be so careful, going part time at work has a serious impact on your fabric finances. I did have a bit of a spend which was good and I can't wait to receive my goodies.
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It also prompted me to had a look through my own stash and have a sort out, don't think I'm quite ready to destash yet I'm still building up but as some point I'm sure I'll take part. I found lots of fabric I've bought to make clothes and not yet sewn so I've made a start on making a Colette Peony something I've wanted to make for ages. So far I've made a quick muslin bodice to check my size really.
And I've now cut out all the pieces marked them up and I'm ready to go lets see how I get on.
Also think I need to work on my picture taking another point for the blog.
Claire xx
Good luck on your dress. I find garment sewing to be incredibly difficult. I love the print you've chosen.